“The property is located in the area of Santa Palomba, close to the 23rd km of via Ardeatina, 15′ from GRA and Santa Palomba train station. The property consists of four buildings connected by a central block which is the hub of the site. The overall surface area is about 37.000 sqm on 5 levels, one of which is basement, an external parking area for two hundred cars and a garden of 3 ha. First two buildings P1 and R1 and a part of the main block were built in 1993 as offices, while on the ground floor there are an Auditorium with a capacity of 160 people. On the first floor there are a large canteen with kitchen and self-service facilities.
A second group of buildings (‘P2’ and ‘R2′) was built in 1998 to be used as offices.
The complex renewed about 10 years ago: the office area is about 22.500 sqm and can host up to 2.200 work stations. Good working order.”

Codice/Code: 1177
Tipologia/Property type: COMPLESSO IMMOBILIARE
Zona/Zone: Santa Palomba
Mq coperti/covered smq: 35000